
A Note to God

I don't know anymore how to stand up against the rising of the tide. I have already drowned myself in the pursuit of my own meaning and happiness. Aside from a straw of hope that keeps me breathing from submerged, faith is one thing that remains afloat, faith that sooner it's still going to be alright. I don't know anymore if God is hearing my prayers. If He doesn't, I understand. Maybe a lot of people are calling out to His name and He just can't get back at each of us all at the same time. One versus 6.7 billion, surely anybody doing the same job needs a break once in a while.

Maybe, if there is a special line to heaven where prayers are heard and answered right away, I would have sent as many notes to God as I could so I won't be in this situation anymore. If only toy balloons can touch the sky and fly beyond the limitless universe, I would have bought as many and tie them to my notes and release them on my hands in complete surrender. If they reach the gates of heaven and get a chance to fall at God's doorstep, He would read:

"Oh Father in Heaven, I am giving myself to You. From this day on, be the driver of my journey and the steward of the borrowed life. Give me strength to face each day with hope and high spirit. Guide me through out my daily instances and keep me away from any harm. Grant me peace when the day is over and embrace me with Your divine love when I am about to close my eyes."

If only paper boats can stay afloat and dry to travel to the high seas where God takes to skinny dipping and go scuba diving, I would torn every single pages of my notebook and figured them to boats, written all over it:

"Oh Father Almighty, as I work hard to provide for my family's needs, miles away from home, bless them always on my behalf. Please take care of them and keep them safe and absent of any worries about my situation. Bless also all my friends and all the people that I unknowingly loves me. Be it unto You to pay them pack for all their generosity and kind heartedness. Lastly, show me the way to where I should really belong. You know what my heart wants and longs to have. It is Your will I will follow."

If the wind can carry dandelions and take it to far unreachable places and if only dandelions can speak, I would blown myself all dandelions that I could find here on earth and let them fly abandonly. if ever they find their way to the clouds where God plays soccer with His angels, they would whisper:

"Oh Father, thank you for all the blessing that You have been giving me and my family. teach me how to find goodness even in times of suffering and great frustrations. Forgive me for all my sins and wash me from all my shortcomings and excesses. Guide me as I walk through another day and all these, I pray in Jesus name. Amen."

Another Note to God that has been answered recently was that of Charice Pempengo. Last May 18, 2009, Charice released her very first single off from her very first international album via a live performance at the Oprah show. Her single, "Note to God", was written by hitmaker Dianne Warren and was produced by no less than David Foster. The song was originally recored by Jojo, but Charice's soulful and heartfelt rendition of the song has made it her own. After its first day of release, the single has already climbed the charts of internet downloads, proving once again, that we all can write a note to God and it's just a matter of time before we realize it. Like what happened to Charice.

Here is the video of Charice's live performance of her single, "Note to God", on the Oprah show.