
When Luck Sucks or I Do?

I’ve always been told to be a lucky guy, always getting the best of what I want in as far as jobs are concerned. Defying conventions, I got to choose my jobs instead of getting down on my knees so that opportunities could find me. Luck, it may seems has moved me from one giant place to another, but it’s not fair to say that it is all I needed to be grateful to. I am also a smart guy and many of my achievements are produce of my hard work, determination and resolve. But when things go wrong, like stumbling from defiance to defeat, it’s taxing to admit that I myself have screwed up something that other people can only wish for. In those cases, I could only sigh with a pint of remorse and say that sometimes luck sucks.

Every time I quit my job, I feel a little embarrassment when friends tell me to count my blessings and realize how fortunate and lucky I am for getting things what I want. The fact that I am getting more for doing less should make me more humbled and grounded. But I have been arrogant and unintelligible most of the times, believing that whatever I have achieved now, I can readily disposed it off and find something bigger and better. I have never contemplated on how really blessed I am compared to others. That is why it embarrasses me when people put on a heart tugging note on me, because it’s true and because it hurts. To get myself pissed off by their constructive comments is my way of admitting that I am indeed guilty hit to the heart.

Insatiable and ambitious, that might be an overstatement, for I still see myself as an ordinary guy just trying to find my comfort zone. I can never force myself to do something that I would feel uneasy and disturbed. I can never be successful to do things out of my way. I am deeply misunderstood for behaving differently. But one thing I am telling, I am still aware of what I am doing and have not gone totally berserk. I can always blame luck for giving me the best jobs but I have no one else to blame but my self for getting the worst endings.