
Time and Again

Wow, it's been more than a week since I last posted something new in this blog. Pretty busy lately huh? Don't think so. Just when I thought I would have more time to write considering that it's Ramadan (our work schedule is three hours less) and considering that I have already bought a new laptop, it seems these conviniences have just made more complacent and idle. Now that I don't have to que for available computers in the internet shop and now that I can afford to surf all day long within the comforts of my bed, time is spent wasted and opportunities are taken for granted. Why is that? Because I believe that they will always be there. That if I don't use them today, I can always have it for tomorrow.

Back when I was just still relying on internet cafes everytime I upload my blogs, every minute counts because I was paying for each moment that I type a word and insert a related image. Not only time is of the essence, but the resources as well! And it made so dedicated and focused on what I was doing. I felt I have a deadline to meet and everytime the connection would go slow, I was like being robbed off a very important right and its violation somehow deserved a lot of complaining against the administrator. To finish an upload at the fastest possible time, is already a reward after a tiring day at the office.

Prior to Ramadan, when day and especially, night passes so unknowingly, no matter busy I was, I found a lot of time to think about what to write. When I was waiting for some damned bus, when I was seating beside a smelly Indian, when i was walking home under the humid weather, when i was preparing my dinner and even when i was putting myself to sleep, so many things were playing around my head. I was always excited to devote a portion of my limited time to express an opinion on something that I saw or heard or just simply talk about anything that concerns me and the world I live in. To complete one post and share it with other people, whatever it is about, is a fulfilling feeling enough to forget for a moment that I was actually miles away from the real people that I love.

But now that almost half of the job is done (no need to go to the internet cafe to go online and additional three hours daily as off), why do I find it difficult to do something that is supposed to be easy? Well that what happens normally when things of our necessity are just within our reach, we take them for granted believing that in case we miss it today, we can always catch it up tomorrow.

When time stretches ahead of us, we tend to sideline a lot of things and thrive meaninglessly with our inhibitions and disregards. When we have so much time, we do not usually prioritize our activities because we believe we have all the time to do them later. We act as if everything is within our disposal. We break into the manana habit, that is doing for tomorrow what we can do for today. We forget that time is fleeting and we are mortals.

When things that we need are just around us, we oftenly take them for granted unlike when they are away where in those instances we try to make each second counts. We only miss the things that play an important role in our lives once they are gone. I am not just talking about the material inconviniences that we have come to associate our lives with, but more essentially the people who are dear to us that we seem not to show any reciprocated affections.

So now I am getting myself back to work, trying to express my emotions, feelings and opinions on things that happen around me. I am afraid that if I will not utilize the time and resources that I have now, I might not have it in the future. I should bear in mind that though time will always be there and this computer can last a lifetime without intervention, I am just human whose duration is limited and sometimes, knock on wood, is abruptly taken away.