
My Hair Do’s

Aside from patience and forbearance, hair is something I wish I could have been blessed with more. The only thing I have probably inherited from my Father, my diminishing hairline is fast becoming prominent, aiding more to its unstoppable attrition is Dubai’s terribly hot climate and water. But I only suffer this unwanted natural phenomenon down the slopes of my crowning glory. In other parts of my body, hairs are growing incessantly at their rowdiness, up from the feet to the tummy, the armpit, the chin, between the lips and the nose and the sideburns. I have never asked for explanation.

So now I am trying to grow my hair in the head as long as I could. If its grows long, then I can let it loose to cover my wide-becoming forehead. Longer hair is capable of being styled in many ways, but the problem is, my hair grows curly when it is long. When I put on gel, its gets itchy and I get dandruff. If I just let it as is, it’s dry, its wind blown and stubborn. To fix it, I now used a strong-hold hairspray, not only that it allows me to style my hair in ways that I want, but also grow it long without worrying about the curls and the sticky gel aftermath.

Ever since, I have never been conscious of my hair, just lately when the I look at the mirror and obviously it’s getting fewer and thinner. I remember when I was younger, I only had one hairstyle until the time that I went to college. It was the Jose Rizal hairdo, just a fitting tribute to the one person I idolized back then. Hahaha.

When I entered college, I heard a whisper that was meant only for my third ear, “go and shave your hair”, I have gone “almost gone“ for the first time. The sense of freedom was tremendous; no more hiding behind the sidelines of my physical appearance. I am what I am, straight forward. It is what it is and it feels great, light and empty of meaning. Believe me, many had complimented my new haircut, it was a refreshing prelude after a disappointing and heart breaking high school graduation.

When I started working, I made some experiments with my hair style only to find out that I have missed the time when those trends were still appropriate. I have gone hair coloring once and it was widely lambasted. It was an elegant suicide. Said it was unbecoming of a someone working in the office as a Financial Analyst. Since then I went back to my “semi calbo” look and had not grown it more than an inch long. I also started wearing cap all the time when I wasn’t in the office or when I wasn’t sleeping. That might have contributed largely why my forehead is fast becoming wide as a chopping board.

Hair is our crowning glory and unfortunately for many, it’s the first to go of our many borrowed faculties. It a sign of times. The worst thing is to lose it, together with the content of the head that it purports to cover.