
Ring Around My Head

My mobile phone hasn’t rung in days, not a single text or a second long miscall. Disturbing. Alarming. Something must be wrong. The unit is okay. The network is fine. The account balance is positive. The subscriber cannot be reached. Sounds not good.

I’m in apogee of lunacy. Confined in banishment. Secluded in abomination. Yeah, I have already made myself a nuisance to others. Friends are marred by the cheapest of astuteness, traded in for some high flying and grotesque self importance. I am deeply conceited. I am happy to hurt. I am aware but obliged. I am spreading animosity.

I am unloved. That’s a lie. I hate to get loved. That’s the truth, the ugly truth. I prefer a self governed conduct of my errands. Souse not in my affairs, for I burgeon in waging war and I bargain atonement to no one. Hate me. That’s just exactly what I want.

Could I be missing an angel? Opinions say.