

For us Filipinos, it’s been customary that we inculcate the value of education to our children at such young age. Early on, we were taught to aspire and mold our individual dreams of what and who we want to be in the future. What do you want to be when you grow up is asked of all Little Miss Philippines candidates. Your ambition in life is surely not to be missed when filling up a friend’s slam book. Bibo kids will always captivate you when they mention in almost platitude why they want to be like this and like that when they grow up. Long before college, we already have in mind an idea of what road to take and what decision to make. But does that really help?

When I was five years old, I already had shown some inclination and passion for the arts. My handwriting is exceptional and I could virtually draw anything without copying from another’s work. I had a vivid imaginations and my enthrallment with animations has propelled my credence that someday I am gonna be an architect, a graphic artist or anyone that has to do with arts and creativity. Sixteen years later, I had not made a career out of my talent. I took up Accountancy and became a CPA, an absolutely boring job, though reputed to be the toughest, in demand and well compensated.

Seven years I have worked as an office slave, eight hours a day doing a routine job or nothing at all, then I resigned. The many months that I have worked as such has cradled me and my family financially. The many valuable lessons that I have equipped myself with during my stay, though terse and ephemeral, is something truly to make me proud and desired. I quit my job hoping more fruitful opportunities are waiting outside. Short to say, I needed to earn more.

Dubai is a perfect office, at least for the salary part. Beyond that, it’s a tedious battle with unproductivity, as in my case or in more cases happening to others, working them to death till they are worth their last cents pay. You have to work with people from other nations and work away from loved ones. Then I realize, it’s not really all the money that matters unless you enjoy what you are doing. Yeah its true, people came here to work and be paid more, but at the end of the day, the melancholy of being far away from home, the indifference in dealing with other people and lack of personal fulfillment with work is something that no amount of money can buy. Sometimes what keeps us more contented is the one that close to the heart than that which is inside the pocket.

More than six years I have worked for one company in the Philippines, at a not so enviable remuneration but I did last that long probably because I had liked what I was doing. I was happy with work and doing my job made my day complete not just as an employee but as a person. Then I realize, it takes a balance between financial and personal satisfaction to persist in one job. It should meet halfway. You can’t all be just after the monetary, mind you its so frustrating and exasperating. Just the same, it’s absurd to keep receiving less when you have other options.

Working isn't all about the money..but finding a comfortable and happy place to stay.

My dream as a child to become an architect had never come to fruition. Then I realize that dreams don’t always come true though you might be dreaming for it for the longest time. They are subject to availability, to funding and to revisions. My work as an accountant here in Dubai is well compensated, but truthfully is, making my head blunt as ever. I also realize that to be happy with work and with life in general, it’s not all the money that counts. The aphorism, man should not live by bread alone.