
Almost a World Peace

Good news everyone, my near month of stay and job hunting here in Dubai has finally paid off. I now got a job! Its relatively easy compared to the first time that i was here. After the interview in the morning, i received a call later in the afternoon informing me that the company was interested in hiring my services as Accountant. Wow! that was fast and i needed it badly. All in all, i had seven interviews with five (5) companies. I told you its easy, it just takes some brave statements and honest representations during interviews. No need to impress, just be yourself and show them that you are worth their trust and confidence.

To attend to an interview could be a rattling experience especially if the person you are supposed to talk to do not clearly speak in the same way we do. But anyway, if the job is really meant for you, you are gonna get it no matter what. So here i compiled some of the familiar questions that were thrown at me during my interviews including my provocative responses and straight answers. Its actually like answering to a pageant judge and you are supposed to reply in some modestly applaudable words with thoughts of world peace in the end.

Manager : Are you ambitious?
Me : Not really, I am just normal.
Manager : What do you mean by being "normal"
Me : I just do what is asked of me, go on with my task without any advance thought of gettingnoticed or rewarded. Manager : So you dont wanna be promoted or say offered a higher position?
Me : I dont want to think about it that way. I believe as long as i am doing my job and i am doing it rightly, idont have to say to anyone that i need to be promoted. I think its not my responsibility to do it. Rewardscome when it is due.

Manager : Do you have any probelms working with people from other countries?
Me : Nope. None at all. I have done before with my previous company so working with people from nationalities wouldn't be a problem at all. Its fun actualy. You gotta learn of pretty new things, you gota learn their culture, their language and there's just plenty of new things to know.

Manager : What do you often do during your free time?
Me : Wel, back in the Philipines, i was a movie addict, i watch movies a lot, Here in Dubai, its quite different, so i just have to contend myself with surfing the internet during my idle hours.

Manager : How do you see yourself five years from now?
Me : You see, i got thre more other siblings going to college right now and its my responsibility to support them. So i just need to work and work doubly hard until they finish their courses. I think it will take me more than five years to be able to do that.

Manager: What character best describes you?
Me : Being responsible