
Fire! Fire!

Its summer, needless to say, its time for beach, vacation, halo halo, Baguio and other cool things to get busy with. Summer brings in an overflowing joy to celebrate the heat and appreciate coolness that we forget to take precaution and ectra care against summer most unwanted company. Summer registers the most number of fire accidents than any other time in a year. This should bring us to realize that summer is not just about having fun in the sun but also being more careful and cautious of the dangers that could happen - fire in particular.

Fire is probably the worst tragedy that could happen to anyone. Fire destroys everything that comes its path. It brings down to ashes everything that we have workd hard for - our homes, appliances, important documents and worst - the lives of out loved ones. They say it is better to have thieves robbed off our house, at least they could take the house itself. But with fire, not only that it wont spare a single post, its flames could spread and destroys more houses if not put ous and contrl in time. Watching fire accidents reported on television, it must have been a terrible feeling to have lost everything to fire. What we have founded in years would simply be taken away in a matter of hours. Its completely unfire.

Most fire accidents happen due to negligence, the improper use of lighting candles and leaving unplugged and overheated electrical home devises. Not to be taken for granted is parental irresponsibilities for letting children play with matches and lighters. Though fire sometimes is made intentionally for recovering insurance claims or simply to drive away settlers squatting in somebody else's land, bottomline is, fire is never wanted and has the potential not only to damage properties but also to claim lives of innocent people. Fire prevention is an easy task. Few simple precautions could mean prevention of huge probable fire losses. All we need is to be aware and take extra care especially now its summer where the scorching heat is ironically catalystic to ignite and spread fire accidents.

So next time you go out and head to the beach, leave your house safe ans sound by unplugging all unused electrical appliances. By turning electricity off when not needed, you are not only cutting off fire chances but also conserving a much needed energy. To those using candles or kerosene fuels for lighting, make sure that the candles are placed atop a glass and away from curtains and places where it could easily be toppled by wind. To all parents, please exercise responsible parenting by orienting younger generations about the danger of playing with fire and that they shouldnt play with it. Remember, taking and applying these simple steps isnt just saving our own, but more importantly, the welfare of the community where we belong.