
The Social Insecurity System!

Yesterday, i went to the local SSS Office to verify the status of my ID that i have applied with them last October. It's supposed to be deleivered by courier and by now. Well it wasnt, so i made the efforts to run to their office and inquire. Then i was told that the releasing and application for the SSS ID has been suspended because the machine that makes the ID has been broken and thus rendered unusable.

At first i could not believed what i have heard, why my ID has not been delivered yet. Then i bought the idea but not an excuse to stop my blood from running to my head! Imagine, the only machine that produces the SSS ID for the entire Philippine population has been inoperative since July 2007 and they have not done anything to fix it! Hundred of applications must have been on cued by now and making any efforts on our part to make follow ups is absolutely a waste of time!

What pissed me off more is the fact that when we got hired, we are automotically deducted an SSS contribution right against our hard earned salary. Then this ID, which is supposed to be the only proof that we are indeed a member of this organization could not be provided to us simply because the machine that makes the machine is defective and not functioning! Isnt that alarming? Where have all our contributions going? They are collecting millions of pesos from us come each payday and yet they could not even replaced that one miserable and lonely machine! WTF! Maybe it goes to show that what has been written on papers several months ago wasnt totally a lie. SSS could really be on a losing streak! More people could be dying that those getting a new job! So they have to shell more cash compared to the amount coming in. Make sense huh!

The SSS ID is as important as any other ID. It is our passport to a safer and faster transactions with them like when appying for loan or just simply making a nonsense inquiry. It is also one of the most valid and highly acceptable form of identification card. On my part, i really didnt intend to get a card for any other purpose aside from getting the card itself and keeping it in my wallet. Honestly, i dont care much about how much i have had contributed to the fund and what this losing organization could for me. I just wanted to have a card. Period. With regards to my contribution, consider it a donation in advance for a dying institution that needs to be secured as soon as possible!