
Be Vain!

Nowadays, more and more people are getting conscious of their health and of how they look. Gone were the days when it doesn't matter if you're as big as your refrigerator or when it’s ok to go outside with your hair uncombed and undyed. Gone were the days when it is not a sin to go to office in sagging eye bags or wear your summer in bulging tummies. The days of being natural are out and over. The face of the earth is slowly being overtaken by aerosol hairspray, silicon augmentation, Botox injections, green tea leaves, methathione, name it you will get it even in the smallest far flung sari sari store.

The long list of beauty products, nutritional supplements, health drinks, dietary pills available in the market is keep on growing. Most advertised products we have today pertains to how we can achieve those flat abs and sexy bodies, how we can stay young and beautiful how we can prevent cancer, how we can make our heart stronger and just about everything on how we can better our lives be in health or beauty aspects.

Before, only the rich and the famous can afford to undergo plastic surgery and cosmetic enhancements. Now, the business of thank you Doctor has downgraded so much so that the treatment to shred extra fats, to boost frontlines, to trim sagging skin and to make the face a little pleasant to stare at can now be availed by ordinary people aside from those celebrities who endorsed them.

Most of the patrons of these services are women. Women have always been the epitome of beauty and vanity. Aging women who want to stay young, ugly women who want to look pretty and beautiful women who just want to stay with what God had blessed them with naturally. All the beauty products, cosmetiques, perfumes, lingerie are made originally for the descendants of Eve.

But time is changing, so are the people. Men are now starting to have their own share of the vanity business. More and more men are going to the gym to get a six pack, low carbs, diet soft drinks and light beers are in. Men are now using lotion, sun block, whitening cream, deo, mouthwash, fragrances, lip gloss, oil film, etc. Some would even bring in their bags their own kikoy kit. Pomade is out and wax is in for a stronger and more outlandish hairdos. Fashion wise, men are now walking the ramp side by side with women. Contemporary dressing is replaced with s striking and vibrant mixed of colors, buttons, cuts, sleeves, collars and fit. Men today are not the same men as before.

Surely not all people will embrace the idea of altering what God has created. Definitely not all will conform to the concept of trying to look good and stay young. Some will understand if women craved for all those beauty enhancements, but not when men do. Or if they do, they might be cultivating some other things in mind.

It is not fair to judge on the merits of what we just see and observe. Besides, one mans meat maybe another man’s potion. People do things for a reason. Its not entirely a waste when someone wants to feel good herself, maybe it would boost her self esteem; when someone goes to gym, isn’t he just maintaining a healthy lifestyle? When you try to be vain, aren’t you just being honest to yourself? There isn’t any wrong with trying to look good. As long as you are not hurting other people and not violating any rules and law.

Granting that I is indeed a waste of resources for something so unnecessary, be alarmed when it is your money that they are spending. Otherwise, be content with you have and let others do what they want to do. The world would be a better place to live in if we will just be a little considerate and understanding. Exist and co-exist. To each his own.